Signed in as:
Signed in as:
1. Name of the Association: The Canadian National Australian Shepherd Association Inc. hereinafter referred to as the Association.
2. Affiliation: The Association shall work in co-operation with the Canadian Kennel Club and may further affiliate itself with organizations devoted to the aims and objectives of the Association. (For example: The Australian Shepherd Club of America and The United States Australian Shepherd Association).
3. Objectives:
A. The Objectives of the Association shall be:
1. To encourage and promote the quality in the breeding, exhibiting and education of purebred Australian Shepherds in Canada and to do all possible to bring their natural qualities to perfection.
2. To urge members and breeders to accept the standard of the breed as originated by the Australian Shepherd Club of America and as approved by the Canadian Kennel Club as the premier standard of excellence for the Australian Shepherd.
3. To do all in its power to protect and advance the interest of the breed through rescue and education. To encourage and demonstrate sportsmanlike conduct in all venues of competition.
4. To conduct sanctioned and approved events under the rules of the Canadian Kennel Club. For example, Conformation Shows, Obedience Trials, Agility Trials, Tracking Tests and Herding Trials.
5. To abide by the principles of the Canadian Kennel Club Code of Ethics, By-laws and Constitution.
6. The Association shall be operated on a non-profit basis. Any resulting surplus shall not be used to the benefit of any member of the Association.
7. The members of the Association shall adopt and may from time to time revise such By-laws, Constitution and Breed Standard as may be required to carry out these objects.
8. The Head Office by which Legalities will lay is the home Province of the President.
B. Specialty Shows:
The Association will hold a “Specialty Show” at the Board of Directors/Executive discretion and in accordance with the CKC rules: Policy and Procedures Manual (Conformation, Obedience, Agility, Tracking and Herding Show Rules and Regulations books). All members of the Association, Executive, Board of Directors and public are eligible to participate in the Association’s Specialty Show. Those persons having hired the Specialty Judge may not exhibit to or have dogs owned or co-owned shown to that Judge at that years Specialty Show. A Specialty Show must be held every 2 years at the Board of Directors/Executive discretion in accordance with the Canadian Kennel Club Rules.
C. Area of Operation:
All Provinces and Territories consistent with the Geography of the Dominion of Canada. Nothing herein written shall be deemed to delimit the area in which the members may seek to achieve their purposes.
D. Revision of Constitution:
Changes in this Constitution may be made only after proposed alterations have been published for comment in a monthly publication immediately followed with an email notification to all members and a post to the Facebook members group advising they have 30 days to comment on the changes. Upon conclusion of the 30-day comment period, an online vote or mail in ballot will be undertaken with the requirement that 2/3 of the eligible votes must be in favor of the changes. The only exception is the CKC deeming changes to said Constitution, changes will be made automatically, and the membership will be notified.
1. The membership year will run from January 1 up to December 31 of the same year. Membership in the Association shall be based on the calendar year.
2. Eligibility: Membership shall be open to all persons who are in good standing with the Canadian Kennel Club and who subscribe to the purposes of this Association.
1. Conditions of Membership:
1. In order to acquire and sustain membership in CNASA, all persons must agree and adhere to the following conditions:
(a) That they shall abide by the Code of Ethics and By-laws of CNASA;
(b) That they shall not engage in the breeding, buying or selling of dogs that are not purebred (i.e. miniature Australian Shepherd). A purebred dog means a dog registered, or eligible for registration with the Canadian Kennel Club;
(c) That they shall never have been convicted on a charge of cruelty to animals;
(d) That they shall not be under suspension or expulsion by any other CKC recognized national kennel club or registry body or any other association incorporated under the Animal Pedigree Act;
(e) That they will not remain indebted to CNASA for a period greater than two (2) months after the due date for payment of fees;
(g) That the annual membership fee has been paid;
(h) That they shall never act or perform in a manner which may be deemed as contrary to the basic principles and objects of CNASA and/or contrary to the best interests of CNASA and its members.
2. Types of Membership:
a. Individual (paid membership). Individual membership is for one person and allows for one vote and CNASA Newsletter.
b. Associate (paid membership). Associate membership is a non-voting member and would be applicable to members not residing in Canada. The Associate member is entitled to the CNASA Newsletter.
c. Family (paid membership). Family membership is for two life partners and all children under the age of 18. The membership allows for two votes and the CNASA Newsletter.
d. Lifetime (fee waived). Lifetime membership shall be awarded to a member who is or has been an ordinary member and who has made an outstanding contribution to the Association. Name of the Lifetime member will be presented to the members by the Board of Directors for a majority vote. All Lifetime members shall be free from all payment of membership fees, may vote, hold any position, serve on any committee and have all rights and responsibilities of full membership in the Association
e. Junior membership (paid membership). Junior membership shall be any person under the age of 18 at the time they apply to be a member of this Association. They shall not have voting privileges or hold any official position.
f. Breeder Associate (fee waived). Breeder Associate membership is open to anyone who has acquired a dog from a current CNASA member in the current calendar year. This is a non-voting membership. The membership includes the CNASA Newsletter. Breeders may offer a one-time Breeder Associate membership to the purchasers of their dogs. Upon acceptance, the breeder shall supply the Secretary with the name, address, phone number, and email address of the recipient(s).
3. Dues:
Membership dues shall be payable by January 1 of each year. During the month of November or December the Secretary shall notify each member by email using the Members list, and messages posted to both the private and public Facebook pages, that the dues for the ensuing year are payable. Dues can be paid with cheque, money order, or e-transfer to If the cheque goes NSF, a minimum $40.00 service fee will be issued to the signer of the NSF cheque. A NSF cheque does not constitute membership. All dues will be in Canadian currency.
Dues will be decided upon by the current Executive and BOD, with input from the membership.
Membership fees will be as follows:
Regular – $25.00
Associate – $20.00
Family – $30.00
Junior – $15.00 (for members under the age of 18)
Lifetime – nil
Breeder Associate – nil
All membership fees are non-refundable.
4. Application for Membership:
Each applicant for membership shall apply on the electronic form as provided on the website. The applicant agrees to abide by this Constitution and By-laws, CNASA Code of Ethics and The Canadian Kennel Club By-laws and Code of Ethics. The application shall state the name and address of the applicant. The applicant’s name and province of residence will be published in one (1) issue of the Association’s Monthly Newsletter for comment from the Membership. Any comments from the Membership must be received within 30 days of the Newsletter being published.
Accompanying the application, the prospective member shall submit dues payment for the current year. Applications received past January shall be considered payment for the current year only. Applications received after August 31st of the current year will be pro-rated for the following year. The applicant will receive from the Association Secretary a current copy of the Constitution and By-Laws and Code of Ethics, as well as a link to the CKC By-laws and Code of Ethics.
5. Approval of Membership:
Membership is dependent on the Board of Directors/Executive voting to accept the applicant. The Board of Directors/Executive holds the right to refuse any membership application. Dues will be returned to the applicant. An applicant whose membership application has been rejected/denied will be provided with a reason for such rejection/denial, in writing, within 30 days of the decision. An applicant whose membership has been denied may re-apply after a period of two years if the circumstances for the initial denial have changed.
6. Termination of membership:
a. Resignation: any member in good standing may resign from the Association upon providing written notice to the Secretary.
b. Lapsing: A membership will be considered as lapsed and automatically terminated if such member’s dues remain unpaid 60 days after the first day of the Current year.
c. Expulsion: A membership may be terminated by expulsion for the following reasons:
i) the person is found guilty under provincial or federal laws of cruelty to animals or neglect of animals
ii) a person has been suspended by the Canadian Kennel Cub and has been barred from being a member of The Canadian Kennel Club.
iii) a person is found to be breeding, buying or selling non-purebred dogs (e.g., toy or miniature Australian Shepherds, Aussie mixes or other unregistrable dogs).
iv) a person is found to be in violation more than once of the CNASA By-laws or Code of Ethics by the CNASA’s disciplinary process.
d. If an individual or family owes the Association money or is holding Association property or records whose return have been requested, from the current or past years. Upon receipt of the owed money, Association property or records, a renewal of membership can be submitted for approval from the board of directors.
7. Voting Privileges:
An individual must be a member for ONE FULL YEAR prior to being granted voting privileges. Unpaid membership dues shall constitute denial of voting privileges. Only lifetime, regular and family members are entitled to a vote. Individual membership and lifetime membership equals 1 vote. Family membership equals 2 votes. No members under the age of 18 will be allowed a vote.
Section 1 – General Meetings:
1. An Annual General Meeting of the Association may be held using an online format. Notice of date and hour as designated by the Board of Directors/Executive will be sent to each member of the Association by email at least 60 days prior to the date of the meeting. The quorum for the annual meeting shall be 20% of the total current membership, all of whom must be in good standing with the Association.
2. Special General Association Meetings:
a. The Board may call a special general meeting of the Association at any time by providing such notice to the membership. In the case there is no National Specialty being hosted by a Zone, the Board/Executive will pick the suitable time and place or use an online forum.
b. The board is obligated to call a special general meeting upon the Secretary receiving a formal request. Such request must be signed by at least 50% of the members in good standing with the Association. Such meeting shall be held at such place, date and hour as may be designated by the Board of Directors/Executive. Email notification of such meeting shall be sent by the Secretary at least 30 days and not more than 45 days prior to the meeting. The notice of the meeting shall state the purpose of the meeting and no other Association business may be transacted. The quorum for such a meeting shall be 20% of the members in good standing.
3. Board Meetings: The first meeting of the Board shall be held by electronic mail on or about March 2000, at that time a Board of Directors and Executive will be selected. Therein after, Board meetings shall be held directly following an Annual General Meeting and any election. Meetings of the Board of Directors/Executive shall be held at such time and place as designated by the Board/Executive with at least 40% of the board in attendance for a quorum. Electronic mail or chat rooms can be deemed as meetings for the convenience of the Board/Executive. Written notice of such meetings shall be emailed, by the Secretary or President to each member of the Board/Executive at least 30 days prior to the meeting. The Board of Directors/Executive may conduct its day-to-day business by electronic mail. The number of meetings per year to be held is at the discretion of each current Board/Executive as deemed essential with no less than four meetings per year.
Section 1 – Board of Directors/Executive:
1. The Board of Directors shall be comprised of the Executive (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer) plus a minimum of four Directors representing a minimum of 4 of the 6 regions across Canada. All must be Canadian residents and members in good standing with the Canadian Kennel Club/The Canadian National Australian Shepherd Association. No more than two Directors may be elected from any one region and Directors must reside in the region they represent. They shall be elected for 2-year terms as provided and shall serve until their successors are elected. All Executive and Directors are voluntary positions; no Officer or Director, or member of the Association shall receive any remuneration for their services. General management of the Association’s affairs shall be entrusted to the Board of Directors/Executive. A person holding a position on the Board shall be entrusted to keep Board matters confidential, and by accepting a position has agreed to keep confidentiality.
2. Executive: The officers of the Association shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. All must be residents of Canada and members in good standing of the Canadian Kennel Club/The Canadian National Australian Shepherd Association.
a. The President shall chair all Board and General meetings of the Association, they will have a deciding vote in the instance of a voting tie; they will run orderly and timely meetings; they will enforce the By-laws and Constitution of this Association; they will assist where needed and offer sportsman like behavior and shall have such duties and responsibilities as specified in these By-laws.
b. The Vice-President shall assume the duties and exercise the responsibilities of the President upon the direction of the President or in such case as the President is unable to carry out the duties and responsibilities of the President. They will enforce the By-laws and Constitution of this Association; they will assist where needed and offer sportsman like behaviour and shall have such duties and responsibilities as specified in these By-laws.
c. The Secretary shall keep a record of all votes taken in the order of business. The Secretary shall receive and send correspondence on behalf of the Association to notify CKC of changes to the Executive/Board of Directors. The Secretary or President shall notify members of meetings and compile the agenda for Association meetings. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all Association meetings, notify new members of their membership, notify Officers and Directors of their election to office, and keep a roll of current members of the Association complete with addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses. In an election year it is also the responsibility of the outgoing Secretary to make sure that all changes to the Executive/Board of Directors have been sent to the CKC, and carry out such other duties as are prescribed in these by-laws.
d. The Treasurer shall collect and receive all revenues of the Association and shall deposit same in an Association bank account as approved by the Board/Executive in the name of the Association. The Treasurer will make sure that “the application for club renewal” with the CKC is filled out and that payment is issued for the appropriate amount in a timely manner. The Treasurer may also assist the Secretary in their duties at the direction of the Secretary. The books of the Association shall be open to inspection by the Board at any time and a financial report shall be provided at every meeting of the Board and every annual general meeting of the Association. The Financial records of the Association shall be the property of the Association and handed over to the President at their request. The Secretary and Treasurer positions can, if necessary, be a combined position.
Section 2 – Signing Authorities:
To prevent controversy and for the protection of the Association, no two signing authorities of the Association will be members of the same family, living common-law or living in the same residence (family dwelling). The President, Treasurer and Secretary, as they have signing authority, shall have access to the online bank account to further protect the Association’s assets. No officer or director, or member of the Association shall receive any remuneration for their services. Payments shall not be undertaken without the consent of the Board.
Section 3 – Bank of Choice:
Signing authorities will be the Treasurer, President and Secretary, for their term. Online access to the bank account will be granted to the Treasurer, President and Secretary. The Bank of Choice will be a National Bank in Canada. All funds will be held in the country of Canada. No payments will be undertaken without Board approval.
Section 4 – Vacancies:
Should any vacancy occur on the Board/Executive, the Board/Executive may in its own discretion, appoint a member of the Association to fill the vacancy. Should a vacancy occur in the office of President, such vacancy shall be filled automatically by the Vice-President and resulting vacancy in the office of Vice-President shall be filled by a majority vote of the Board/Executive.
Section 5 – Terms of Office:
The elected Executive and Directors shall take office on January 1st of the year following the election. Each of the former Board members/Executive shall turn over to their successor in office, all properties and records relating to that office by January 1st of the new term.
Section 6 – Zones:
The Zones are defined as the following:
– Zone 1 (BC & Yukon)
– Zone 2 (Alberta)
– Zone 3 (Manitoba, Saskatchewan & NWT)
– Zone 4 (Ontario and Nunavut)
– Zone 5 (Quebec)
– Zone 6 (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, PEI & Labrador)
Leaving this open to change when more individuals from all areas of Canada become involved with the Canadian National Australian Shepherd Association.
Association Year, Voting, Nominations and Elections
Section 1 – Association Year:
The Association’s fiscal/financial year shall begin on the 1st day of January and end on the 31st day of December.
Section 2 – Voting Privileges:
An individual must be a member for ONE FULL YEAR prior to being granted voting privileges. Unpaid membership dues shall constitute denial of voting privileges. Membership dues must have been paid by January 31st of the election year to be eligible to vote. Only Lifetime, Individual or Family members are entitled to a vote. One Individual membership equals one vote. Family membership equals 2 votes. The following are not entitled to a vote: Associate members, members under the age of 18, or non-residents of Canada.
Section 3 – Voting:
At an Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting of the Association, voting shall be limited to those members in good standing who are present at the meeting (either in person or using an online format), except for the election of Executive and Directors and amendments to the Constitution and By-laws (and Standard for the Breed) which shall be decided by electronic poll secured to one anonymous vote per person. The Board of Directors may decide to submit other specific questions for decision of the members by electronic poll. Associate members, a member under the age of 18, and non-residents of Canada are ineligible to vote.
Section 4 – Elections:
1. Ballots: The Election of Executive and Directors shall be conducted by ballot. No voting by proxy. Type of ballot used may be of a form chosen by the Board (e.g., hard copy via mail or electronic). Hard copy ballots must be received by the Secretary in a sealed envelope. Ballot count will be verified by the Secretary and a second person who is a member in good standing with the Association and may not be a candidate on the ballot. An electronic ballot will be secure to have one person read the results. The person receiving the largest number of votes from each position shall be declared elected. If any nominee is unable to serve for any reason, such nominee shall not be elected. In this instance, the person receiving the second largest number of votes for the position shall be declared elected. Once elected, if a candidate is unable to serve for any reason, the position shall be filled by the new Board of Directors/Executive in the manner provided by Article III, Section 4.
a. Executive shall be elected by the membership of the Association.
i. The Directors of the Association shall reside in the region which they are representing and shall be elected by the members residing in each specific region.
ii. In the beginning (March 2000) the Executive and Directors will be appointed according to interest on their part. This is the only time the Executive and Directors will be appointed.
iii. Nominations: No person may be a candidate in the Association election who has not been nominated in accordance with these By-laws. A Nominating Committee shall be chosen by the Board of Directors 120 days (4 months) before elections. The Nominating Committee shall consist of three (3) members from different areas of Canada. The Nominating Committee may conduct its business by email. A Candidate may be nominated by any member of the Association. The Candidate may not be nominated for more than one office or position (except in the case of the Secretary/Treasurer positions being combined). The Nomination must be sent to the Nomination Committee. The Nominee must sign an agreement to accept the nomination. The Nomination Committee shall check the list of members whose dues are paid for, and shall certify the eligibility of the voters. The Committee shall then submit its slate of candidates to the Secretary.
In the case of electronic voting, the Secretary shall email the list, including the full name of each candidate and the name of the province or region in which they reside, to each eligible voting member of the Association on or before 90 days, together with a link to the online ballot. The Membership will be notified of the deadline to vote. The Secretary shall announce the results of the electronic ballots at the close of voting.
In the case of using hard copy ballots, the Secretary shall mail the list, including the full name of each candidate and the name of the province or region in which they reside, to each member of the Association on or before 90 days, together with a blank envelope and a return envelope addressed to the Secretary. The marked ballot will be returned to the Secretary, post-marked within 45 days from the initial mailing. The Secretary will sort the ballots and provide digital copies to the Nomination Committee for transparency. The Membership will be notified of the specific return date on the ballot. The Secretary shall announce the results of the ballots upon verification of the Nomination Committee.
Section 5 – Committees
1. Standing Committees: The Board may each year appoint standing committees to advance the work of the Association in such matters as Conformation Shows, Obedience Trials, Membership, Newsletter, Elections and Nominations, etc. Such Committees shall always be subject to the final authority of the Board of Directors/Executive.
2. Committee Appointments: Any committee appointment may be terminated by a majority vote of the Board/Executive upon written notice being sent to the appointee, and the Board/Executive may appoint a successor to the person whose services have been terminated.
3. The Board, with a majority vote, may terminate any committee formed for the above purpose once the committee has fulfilled its purpose (as per CKC policy).
Suspension/Complaints/Disciplinary Proceedures
Section 1 – Canadian Kennel Club Suspension:
1. Any member who is suspended, debarred, expelled or deprived of privileges from the Canadian Kennel Club automatically shall be suspended from the privileges of the Association, for a like period. Anyone who has been charged and found guilty Provincially/Federally of criminal abuse of animals will be barred membership. If any member of the Association is found guilty of the above, they will automatically lose their membership in the Association.
Section 2 – Discipline
1. A Discipline Committee, of not less than five members in good standing, shall be formed from a call for volunteers and approved by the Board. All members should have a thorough understanding of the CNASA By-laws. No member of the Discipline Committee shall be a member of the current Board of Directors. They must have an impartial and unbiased viewpoint without any perceived conflict of interest. No former member of the Board of Directors is entitled to be a member for a period of two years following expiration of their term. The Committee shall appoint a Chair from its number. The Discipline Committee shall be dissolved upon resolution of the complaint. A new Discipline Committee shall be formed for each complaint in order to avoid conflict of interest with the parties involved.
2. Any member may lay a complaint against another member for alleged misconduct prejudicial to the best interests of the Association, Constitution, By-laws and/or Code of Ethics. Complaints alleging violations must be in the form of a sworn affidavit and filed with the Secretary, together with a deposit of $50.00 which shall be returned to the complainant if the complaint is upheld at a hearing of the Committee duly appointed for this purpose. Should a complaint be laid against the Secretary, then the President shall act in accordance with these by-laws. When a Member has been formally cited for disciplinary action, they shall not be permitted to initiate disciplinary action concerning any other Member of the Association until their case has been completed.
3. Any matter before the Discipline Committee in which legal proceedings have been filed in which the outcome may have a direct bearing on the Committee’s decision, will be held in abeyance pending the completion of those proceedings.
4. The Discipline Committee will not entertain complaints that involve contractual agreements between parties in which there is no allegation of a violation of the Animal Pedigree Act or the Association’s By-Laws. Any such complaints shall be refused by the Association and the complaint fee returned along with a comment stating that the Complainant may wish to consider seeking redress in civil court.
5. The Secretary, upon receiving such a complaint, shall notify the Executive/Board for immediate review and consideration. If the Executive/Board determine that insufficient grounds exist for disciplinary action by the Association, the matter may be referred back to the Complainant for further supporting evidence or the recommendation may be rejected if the Executive/Board determine that insufficient grounds exist for action. If sufficient grounds exist for action, a call for Disciplinary Committee volunteers will be initiated. Within 30 days the Secretary shall forward a copy of the complaint, along with the notice of hearing to the defendant, the complainant and each member of the Discipline Committee. Should a complaint be laid against the Secretary, then the President shall act in accordance with these by-laws.
6. The hearing date shall be set no later than 90 days from the date of receipt of the complaint. Should a complaint be laid against the Secretary, then the President shall act in accordance with these by-laws.
7. The Discipline Committee shall ensure that both the complainant and the defendant are treated fairly and in accordance with the rules of natural justice. The parties concerned shall have the right to be heard and may be represented by a person of their choice. As per CKC policy, the order in which the complaint will be heard by the Discipline Committee shall be:
· Call to Order
· Chair Opening Remarks
· Complainant
· Defendant
· Questions
· Deliberations
Should the complaint be sustained after hearing all the evidence and testimony presented by the complainant and defendant, the Committee may, by a majority vote, impose an appropriate decision. The Secretary shall then notify each of the parties of the decision within 30 days of the decision. Should a complaint be laid against the Secretary, then the President shall act in accordance with these by-laws.
A decision of the Discipline Committee may only be altered by the Appeal Committee. The Board of Directors/Executive do not have the authority to vary a decision of the Discipline Committee.
Section 3 – Appeals
1. Appeal – Any person who is subject to any decision of the Discipline Committee shall have the right to appeal that decision. Any person wishing to appeal a decision shall notify the Secretary within 30 days from the date of notice of the decision of the Discipline Committee. Should the appeal come from the Secretary, then the President shall act in accordance with these by-laws.
2. Appeal Committee – The Committee shall consist of five voting members of the Association upon a call for volunteers sent by email using the current membership list and posted in the FaceBook group. No member of the Appeal Committee shall be a member of the current Board of Directors. No member of the Appeal Committee shall have been a member of the Discipline Committee. They must have an impartial and unbiased view without any perceived conflict of interest. No former member of the Board of Directors is entitled to be a member for a period of two years following expiration of their term. The Committee shall appoint a Chair from its number. The Appeal Committee is authorized to allow an appeal in whole or in part, to set aside or vary any decision of the Discipline Committee, and dismiss an appeal in whole or in part.
Both the appellant and respondent shall have the right to attend the hearing. An appeal hearing must not be a retrial, but rather a hearing to determine whether or not there is just cause to overturn the findings of the decision-making committee. Arguments presented by the parties to the complaint during the appeal process should therefore be limited to this aspect. The Secretary shall inform both the appellant and respondent of any decision in writing within 30 days of the hearing. Should the appeal come from the Secretary, then the President shall act in accordance with these by-laws. The procedure for the hearing shall be:
· Call to Order
· Chair Opening Remarks
· Appellant
· Respondent
· Questions
· Deliberations
Both the appellant and respondent shall be treated fairly and without prejudice. Decisions of the Appeal Committee are final.
Section 4 – Disciplinary Action/Expulsion
1. The Discipline Committee has the authority to warn, reprimand, or expel (which means termination of membership and depriving a person from all privileges of the Association) for a set period of time. Subsequent infractions, not necessarily for the same offence, will carry penalties of increasing severity. The Board of Directors does not have the authority to change the decision of the Disciplinary Committee. A decision made by the Disciplinary Committee may only be altered by the Appeal Committee if the defendant wishes to pursue this avenue.
“reprimand” an official statement of rebuke issued by the Association
“censure” the loss of some or all privileges associated with Membership, such as suspension of participation in the Breeders Directory, suspension of the right to place personal or kennel advertising in the Quarterly, or suspension of all Membership privileges for a specified period of time
“expulsion” revoking membership, and the right to withhold membership for a minimum of three (3) years.
Section 1 – Proposal for Amendments:
1. Amendments to the Constitution, the By-laws and Breed Standard may be proposed by the Executive/Board of Directors or by electronic petition addressed to the Secretary signed by 75% of members of the Association in good standing. Amendments proposed by such petition shall be considered by the Board of Directors at the next regular meeting and must subsequently be presented to the members of the Association with the recommendations of the Board/Executive within 90 days of the date when the petition was received by the Secretary.
2. Amendment by Vote: The Constitution, By-laws, and Breed Standard may be amended at any time, provided a copy of the proposed amendment has been mailed or emailed by the Secretary to each member in good standing, accompanied by a ballot on which they may indicate their choice for or against the action to be taken. Notice with such ballot shall specify a date, which is not less than 30 days after the date of mailing. The ballots must be returned to the Secretary to be counted. The majority of the members in good standing, who participate in the vote, shall be required to affect any such amendment. In the case of the Breed Standard, a 75% majority vote is required to affect an amendment, of which 60% of the online or mail in ballots have been returned. As per CKC By-laws the Breed Standard cannot be changed within the first 5 years of the Club’s affiliation with the CKC.
3. Canadian Kennel Club Approval: Amendments to the Constitution and/or By-laws will be forwarded to the CKC Shows and Trials Division within thirty (30) days of being passed. No amendment to the Constitution, By-laws, Breed Standard shall become effective until it has been approved by the CKC. CKC approved amendments will be effective immediately. The membership will be kept apprised by the Board of Directors of any changes the CKC wish upon the Association’s By-laws and Constitution.
Section 1 – Dissolution:
The Association may be dissolved at any time by the written documented consent of 2/3 majority vote of the eligible voting members. Proxies are not permitted in this case. In the event of the dissolution of the Association, whether voluntary or involuntary or by operation of law, none of the property of the Association, or any of the proceeds thereof, or any assets of the Association shall be distributed to any members of the Association. After payment of the debts of the Association, its property and assets shall be given to a charitable organization for the benefit of dogs, such organization being selected by the Board of Directors at the time of dissolution. A copy of the Association’s Minutes where it was voted to dissolve the club, showing the number of votes in favour and not in favour of dissolution, and a list of all members with the signatures of the members that voted in favour of dissolution must be provided to the CKC within 30 days of dissolution, as per CKC policy.
Section 1 – Order of Business:
1. At meetings, the Order of Business shall be governed by the Common Law of Procedure of Canada, Roberts Rules of Order, current edition. Meeting agendas will consist of the following:
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